Born: 2021-01-27
Eyes: Clear
Hips: B+B
Mentaldescription: Approved BPH shot test secure
Merits: 4 Cq, 3 CAC, rCAC
Swedish Beauty Champion!!!
Living with co-owner
Fenja was one of two little girl in the F-litter.
It was decided from the beginning that one of the
girls would live with a co-owner. Good co-owners
are hard to find so we had to do some digging to
find one. But we were lucky. A former puppy
buyer wanted a puppy and she would gladly co-
own Fenja with us. Fenja lives with Ylva, the
collie boy Luffe, the cat Molly and a
bunch of chickens. It turned out SO good!
Pedigree (click for bigger image)